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Staff seminar on Zorbium
June 8, 2023
Elanco stopped in to VSC for a “Breakfast and Learn” lecture to provide the staff with information on one of their newer products for cats called Zorbium. This new medication was launched in the past year by Elanco. Zorbium is an analgesic (treats pain) medication for post operative pain that is applied to the skin of cats after surgery and lasts for 3-4 days. The medication reduces or completely eliminates the need to administer pain medications orally after surgery. We have often relied on buprenorphine given orally for pain control in cats, but this can be challenging to administer. Zorbium will be added to our already extensive arsenal of medications and nerve blocks to help your pet feel more comfortable after surgery.
Thank you to Elanco for the Chik-fil-A and all of the information!